Inca nut: The gold of the Inca
Sacha Inchi - the Inca nut - has its origin in the Amazon region of Peru and has been cultivated there for centuries. The oil of the Sacha Inchi fruit contains the world's highest proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the plant world and is considered to be one of the best oils in the world. It is highly valued as an anti-aging oil in a class of its own, but it is also popular, for example for cardiovascular diseases, asthma or rheumatic complaints.
"Plukenetia volubilis", so lautet der lateinische Name der Pflanze, auf der die Inkanuss wächst. In der Quechua-Sprache bedeutet "Sacha Inchi", die Erdnüsse der Inka. Die Inkas wussten schon vor hunderten von Jahren um ihre Wirkung für die Gesundheit und Schönheit, die das Öl ihrer Erdnuss spendet.
Almost 50 percent omega-3 fatty acids
For whom "Sacha Inci oil" is useful for?
Where do the nuts come from?
The climbing plant grows in the Andes at an altitude of 200 to 1000 meters. The oil that is extracted from the star-like nut is very precious. Each capsule fruit has four to six corners. In every corner there is a seed, the actual nut. The nuts are harvested, dried and processed into flour or oil. It is important that the Sacha Inchi oil is cold-pressed so that all valuable ingredients and their effects are preserved.
Where and how does Sacha Inchi Oil work?
Omega-3 and Omega-6 are essential fatty acids that the human organism cannot produce itself. They must be ingested through food. Sacha Inchi oil has the highest proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids of all edible oils and, with 48% omega-3 and 35% omega-6, an optimal fatty acid ratio for the body. The Sacha Inchi nut is naturally gluten-free. This condition is maintained through careful handling and a clean processing process.
What do the omega-3 fatty acids do in the body?
Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids are burned for energy in the body. In addition to generating energy, messenger substances are formed that have a decisive effect on health:
• Cell membranes that contain a lot of omega 3 are much more pliable. For example, red blood cells can do much better slide through the capillary, which improves blood circulation.
• Prostaglandins and thromboxanes are messenger substances of the omega-3 fatty acids. Messenger substances formed from the Omega 3
have anti-inflammatory effects.
• They have a positive effect on blood lipid levels and have been shown to lower harmful LDL cholesterol.
• They have a blood pressure lowering effect and prevent platelet aggregation.
High in vitamin E and therefore an important antioxidant!
In addition to the optimal fatty acid ratio, "Sacha Inchi Oil" also has a very high vitamin E content, which also acts as a powerful antioxidant.
The Sacha Inchi oil is rich in protein, has the highest proportion of unsaturated fatty acids and has an optimal fatty acid ratio. In addition to omega-3, it contains important vitamins and a particularly large amount of vitamin E, which is a powerful antioxidant. The SACHA INCHI capsules from PALJARI consist of moisturizing gelatine (glycerine) and contain pure Sacha Inchi vegetable oil. It is suitable for all health-conscious people, athletes, people with inflammatory processes and for immune regulation. Food supplements are no substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for our organism!
Videos und Fotos: Mag. Dr. Gerhard Gruber