dia B

What is alpha-Cyclodextrin?
DiaB contains alpha-Cyclodextrin and is a powder used to produce a beverage containing cyclodextrin. The intake of alph-Cyclodextrin (ACD) as part of a starch-containing meal helps to reduce the increase in the blood sugar level after that meal.
With Regulation (EU) No 536/2013, the European Commission certified alpha-Cyclodextrin as a health-promoting effect (health claim). This means that products containing alpha-Cyclodextrin may bear a label stating its reducing effect of the blood sugar level. Scientific studies confirm the blood sugar reducing effect of alpha-Cyclodextrin. Alpha-Cyclodextrin is a ring-shaped sugar that develops naturally during the enzymatic degradation of starch. It is used as a soluble dietary fiber, for example in beverages, breakfast cereals or baked products. Lipophilic molecules such as fat or starch molecules slip into the cavity of alpha-Cyclodextrin, where they are linked together and remain undetected before the degradation of enzymes in the digestive tract. They are neither decomposed nor digested in the human intestine. These molecules do not enter the body but pass through the digestive system where they are eliminated. To reach this effect, ideally 10 percent of the starch content of a meal should be absorbed with DiaB. Example: For a meal with a starch content of 50 grams, we recommend taking 5 grams of DiaB (alpha-Cyclodextrin). The appropriate amount is dissolved in water and taken before meals.

Diabetes is a very widespread and growing disease. In Germany, the number of patients with diabetes increased from 8.9 to 9.8 percent in the period from 2009 to 2015. According to estimates, this percentage looks set to double over the next 25 years. There are two types of diabetes. Type I diabetes is of a genetic nature and as such must be counted in the field of pathologies that fate reserves for us. Diabetes mellitus (lat. Diabetes mellitus) or type II diabetes reflects a clinical picture in which the amount of sugar contained in the blood remains at chronically high levels. Type II diabetes, which is very common, can be easily controlled by adopting an adequate lifestyle (nutrition, movement, sufficient rest). The main cause of the development of diabetes is undoubtedly overweight. While type I diabetes is an autoimmune disease that causes the cells responsible for producing insulin to die, in the case of type II diabetes it is referred to as insulin resistance. Although there is insulin production, its effectiveness is reduced by a number of different factors. The result is, among others, fat accumulation and weight gain, arteriosclerosis, loss of blood vessel function, blood clotting disorders, lipid metabolism disorders, hypertension, oxidative stress, protein saccharification, increased secretion of protein in the urine and an increase in blood glucose values.