Paljari mushrooms
60% from mushroom extract, 30% from mushroom powder and 10% from vitamin C (Acerola)
All viable mushrooms are sold for the same price
A box with 30 tablets € 23,00 Shop € 19,80 premium price
L'Agaricus blazei

The Agaricus blazei is an edible medicinal mushroom. In its homeland, the Brazilian rainforest, it is also called the mushroom of the sun because it is one of only a few mushrooms that grow and thrive in the sunlight. Researchers had noticed that in areas in which the mushroom is consumed, the average life expectancy is higher and the rate of cancer was strikingly low. Some 40 years ago, Japanese researchers began to examine the mushroom more closely. It is used in Japan, Brazil and the USA as a cancer treatment.
Cordyceps sinensis, or caterpillar fungus

It gets the name "caterpillar fungus" from the source of its nourishment: It parasitizes larvae of the bat moth (Hepialus armoricanus). It is found in the plateau of Tibet. Cordyceps is also known as the "power mushroom"
The CS-4 variety of Cordyceps sinsensis is used to obtain the raw material of the mushroom. Production takes place in an underwater environment (in a nutrient solution), therefore it proceeds under controlled conditions that exclude the presence of pollutants. Several studies have shown that the chemical composition of CS-4 coincides with natural Cordyceps sinsensis. In 1995, CS-4 was declared national intellectual property in China and can be referred to as Cordyceps.

Ganoderma lucidum, shiny skin mushroom or Reishi
In China, this mushroom is known as Ling Zhi, which roughly translates as "divine mushroom of immortality". It has a long history in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), in which it is considered the most widely appreciated of medicinal herbs. Even older than ginseng. It grows on deciduous trees with a preference for the oak and copper beech. It grows very rarely on conifers. It is also referred to as the "ghost mushroom".
Hericium erinaceus, monkey head, bearded hedgehog mushroom or pom pom mushroom

This mushroom is sometimes referred to with the name of "monkey head" due to its similarity with a very furry species of Chinese monkey. It is named bearded hedgehog mushroom because it consists of a clump from which soft spines protrude. Hericium erinaceus is a good mushroom for cooking. It lives off "wounds" on older deciduous trees, with a preference for oaks and beech trees. The Hericium erinaceus is also referred to as the "bearded tooth fungus".
Grifola frondosa, or the maitake mushroom

Maitake is a Japanese word that means something like "dancing mushroom". It is found only rarely and gets its name from a group of Buddhist nuns, who according to a Japanese legend danced for joy when they found this very rare mushroom. Grifola frondosa is a good mushroom for eating and has been picked and eaten in China and Japan for thousands of years. It grows primarily on oak trees, somewhat less on linden trees, chestnuts and beeches. It is also known as the "hen-of-the-woods".

Polyporus umbellatus, or Lumpy Bracket
This mushroom grows wild in Europe and Asia. It is a clump of numerous "caps", and can weigh up to 20 kilos. It is suitable for cooking and has soft white flesh. It is useful for the prevention of water retention and llymphoedema. Lumpy bracket grows on beech and oak trees, rarely also on fig trees
Lentinula edodes, Shiitake

The Shiitake mushroom was already used in traditional Chinese medicine around 2,000 years ago. It is an excellent mushroom cooking and is the most widely cultivated mushroom following the Champignon variety. The shiitake grows on the dead wood of deciduous trees such as beeches and oaks. It prefers hardwood and is also referred to as the "King of mushrooms".
Trametes versicolor or turkey tail

The Trametes versicolor is considered a medicinal mushroom in traditional Chinese medicine. In earlier times, the tramete was also used to make jewelry in the form of brooches or clasps, or hat pins. In Japan and China, the polysaccharide taken from Trametes is officially admitted as part of the treatment concept for tumors, and is used in the drug "Krestin".
Auricularia - the ear of Judas

With many plant proteins, vitamin B1, beta-carotene, minerals such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, and silicon, Judas's ear is an engine for health. Auricularia makes the blood more fluid and thus prevents cardiovascular disease. In regions of Southeast Asia, where the mushroom is on the menu practically every day, there are significantly fewer cases of heart attacks, embolisms and thrombosis in other areas.
OPC Grape Seed Extract - CHAGA powder 90 tablets € 49,00 Shop € 39,00 premium price

A true fountain of youth for health and beauty - what about grape seeds? In fact, OPC is literally on everyone's lips. And with good reason. Its active ingredient - mainly obtained from grape seeds - has numerous positive effects. Meanwhile, researchers continuously provide scientific evidence of the health benefits of grape seed extract, Paljari OPC also contains active ingredients of the medicinal mushroom Chaga, which have the clinically effective properties of OPC to support. Chaga contains a lot of germanium and zinc. The birch on which it grows also releases the substances betulin and betulinic acid to the fungus. All amino acids except isoleucine are contained in the Chaga mushroom, as well as polysaccharides, triterpenes, melanin, manganese, boron and iron.
OMEGA 3 "SACHA INCHI" 60 tablets € 28,00 Shop € 25,00 premium price

SACHA INCHI capsules are made of humectant gelatin (glycerin) and contain pure Sacha Inchi vegetable oil. Sacha Inchi oil is useful for providing a supplementary quota of Omega 3, 6 and 9 in the daily diet. Omega 3 fatty acids (ALA) are essential for human health, for adults the recommended amount varies from 2 to 3 grams. As for the SACHA INCHI capsules, it is recommended to take 3 per day (preferably with meals).